The following tests require a music playlist consisting of 2 or more pieces of music.
Multimedia keys (Totem)
Case ID: khk-001
- Click on Ubuntu Logo, search Movie Player and open a playlist.
- Press on the Play key /!\ This can be combined with Pause key
- Press on the Stop key. To stop the track playing
- Press on the Play key. To start the track playing again
wing only apply if you have the internet hot keys.
- Press on the Volume Up key. To lower the volume
- Press on the Volume Down Key. To raise the volume
- Press on the Volume Mute key. To stop sound
- Press on the Volume Mute key. To restart sound
- Press on the Forward Track key. To skip forward a track
- Press on the Reverse Track key. To rewind a track
Verify that the Play key starts playing the playlist.
Verify that the Pause (or Play key if there is no separate Pause key) pauses playback.
Verify that the Play key resumes playing.
Verify that the Volume Up key increases the volume.
Verify that the Volume Down key decreases the volume.
Verify that the Volume Mute key mutes and unmutes the audio.
Verify that the Forward Track key skips forward by a track.
Verify that the Reverse Track key skips backwards by a track.
Multimedia keys (Rhythmbox or Banshee)
Case ID: khk-002
- Click on Ubuntu Logo, search Rhythmbox Music Player or Banshee Music Player and open a playlist.
- Press on the Play key /!\ This can be combined with Pause key.
- Press on the Stop key. To stop the track playing
- Press on the Play key. To start the track playing again
- Press on the Volume Up key. To lower the volume
- Press on the Volume Down Key. To raise the volume
- Press on the Volume Mute key. To stop sound
- Press on the Volume Mute key. To restart sound
- Press on the Forward Track key. To skip forward a track
- Press on the Reverse Track key. To rewind a track
Verify that the Play key begins playback.
Verify that the Stop key stops playback.
Verify that the Play key resumes or restarts playback.
Verify that the Volume Up key increases the volume.
Verify that the Volume Down key decreases the volume.
Verify that the Volume Mute key mutes and unmutes the audio.
Verify that the Forward Track key skips forward by a track.
Verify that the Reverse Track key skips backwards by a track.
Email (Thunderbird or Evolution)
Case ID: khk-003
The following only apply if you have the internet hot keys.
- Press on the E-mail key.
- Your default email should now open.
Verify that the email application opens.
Internet (firefox)
Case ID: khk-004
The following only apply if you have the internet hot keys.
- Press on the Home or WWW key.
- This will open your default internet client.
- Type into the address bar and click on the green arrow in the address bar.
- Type into the address bar and click on the green arrow in the address bar.
- Press the Back key. This should go back to ubuntu home page.
- Press the Forward key. This should take you back to the planet ubuntu page.
- Press the Stop key which should stop this page loading.
- Press the Home key to return you to your home page.
- Press the Favorites key. This should open the bookmarks side bar.
Verify that a web browser is opened.
Verify that web pages are loaded correctly.
Verify that the Back key goes back one page.
Verify that the Forward key goes forward one page.
Verify that the Stop key stops a page loading.
Verify that the Home key returns the browser to the home page.
Verify that the Favorites key opens the bookmarks sidebar.
Search (tracker)
Case ID: khk-005
- Press the Search key.
- This should open the tracker desktop search tool.
Verify that the desktop search tool is opened.
If all actions produce the expected results listed, please submit a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include the bug number when you submit your result.