Test Automatic Connectivity
Case ID: hcn-001
Using Unity
- Ensure that Network Manager is running and that no networks are currently connected. (Network Manager icon, in the notification area. (Blank slice of pizza)
- Press the Super Windows Key or click on the Ubuntu logo on the Unity panel, and search Terminal , or select (Ctrl+Alt+T)
- Connect the network adapter to a network with a DHCP server. (However you connect to your wired network)
- After approximately 30 seconds, run ifconfig in the terminal. Verify that a cabled network device (e.g. '"eth0") is present and has received an IP address. Note the interface name (e.g. "eth0"). (The Network Manager icon should change to 2 solid arrows one pointing up, one down)
- In the terminal, run route -n. Note the IP address in the Gateway column. (not "")
- In the terminal, run ping -c 5 [gateway] where [gateway] is the IP address of the Gateway, above.
- Verify that the command reports "5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received".
Using GNOME Classic
- Ensure that Network Manager is running and that no networks are currently connected. (Network Manager icon in the notification area should look like a blank slice of pizza)
- Open the Terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal).
- Connect the network adapter to a network with a DHCP server. (However you connect to your wired network)
- After approximately 30 seconds, run ifconfig in the terminal. Verify that a cabled network device is present (e.g. eth0) and has received an IP address. Note the interface name (e.g. eth0). (The slice of pizza should change to 2 arrows, one up, one down)
- In the terminal, run route -n. Note the IP address in the Gateway column. (not "")
- In the terminal, run ping -c 5 [gateway] where [gateway] is the IP address of the Gateway, above.
- Verify that the command reports "5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received".
Verify Manual Connectivity
Case ID: hcn-003
- In the terminal, run sudo ifconfig [interface] [staticIP] where [interface] is the interface name (e.g. eth0) and [staticIP] is a valid unused IP address on the current network. (If you are on a home network try using the previously used IP address, (still listed on the terminal) (Consult your network administrator if you do not know such an address.)
- In the terminal, run ifconfig. Verify that the network device is again listed (e.g. eth0) and has the IP address listed([staticIP]) as given above.
- In the terminal, run ping -c 5 [gateway] where [gateway] is the IP address of the Gateway, above.
- Verify that the command reports "5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received".
- (In the terminal, run sudo ifconfig [interface] down where [interface] is the interface name above. This releases the static IP address back to the server. Then you will need to run sudo ifconfig [interface] up in order to enable your wired network and allow the server to assign an IP address as needed.)
If all actions produce the expected results listed, please submit a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please submit a 'failed' result and file a bug. Please be sure to include the bug number when you submit your result.